Iran bazaars: where are the best ones and why visit them

One of my very favourite activities everywhere I go, be it a destination I know or a new discovery, is to visit the local markets, and Iran bazaars were just about to become my favourite photography subject in the Islamic Republic.

Many studies have been carried out about Iran bazaars, and the reason why they never fail to capture my attention is that nowhere like around these simple and picturesque shops can you find people from all walks of life, coming from different districts and belonging to different social and cultural layers interact with each other and exchange goods, words, greetings, and tips.

Needless to say, Iran bazaars were a feast of colours, fragrances, flavours, spices, herbs, blue decorations and, wait for it, carpets.

The best Iran bazaars to visit in your trip

During my hectic two-week trip to Iran, I visited many cities, and in each of them, the local bazaar was among the first attractions I delved into. Here is an initial round-up of the local markets I visited in five of the main cities I’ve been to, in the wait for a full post and more photos for each of them, to discover their history, their role in the community and the goodies on sale.

Tehran Grand Bazaar

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Looking for protection from evil? This guy got you covered
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Herbs, nuts and dried fruit, something that’s never missing in any of Iran bazaars

Tehran Grand Bazaar is a huge maze of alleys full of shops, carriages, merchandise, and customers. Heart of the city’s economy, it’s believed to play an important role in the whole country’s economic growth, and if you manage to get your way through the crowd, you’ll know why. Definitely a must if you visit the Iranian capital.

Tabriz Bazaar

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Dates and nuts, Tabriz pride
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Fabrics and textiles next to carpets section

Not just the average herb, tea and carpet shops here, Tabriz bazaar is also an important historical place, being the oldest among Iran bazaars, even declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2010 for its major role of commercial hub along the famed Silk Road. Operative and famous already in the 13th century, Tabriz bazaar is a fascinating complex of brick buildings and still one of the best places to buy typical Tabriz-style carpets.

Isfahan Bazaar

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Typical home decoration with blue being one of the most recurrent colors
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Lovely boxes of all sizes and shapes and old-style pen holders

Isfahanis have always known how to treat customers and make it easier for visitors to find the adored souvenirs. This is probably why they laid out the city’s bazaar right around Imam Square, the first attraction every tourist explores when in Isfahan. This market, too, is very old. Its very first shops dating back to the 11th century nonetheless, and new areas being built gradually during the Safavid era.

READ MORE: Isfahan is a major destination if it’s your first trip to Iran. Check out our Iran guide for tips and info on how to plan your adventure.

Shiraz Vakil Bazaar

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Beautiful carpets at Shiraz bazaar
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Big area for herbs and spices at Shiraz bazaar

Shiraz main market, called Bazaar-e Vakil, is located right in the historical centre in Darb’e Shahzadeh, near Vakil mosque. Considered a masterpiece of the Zand dynasty, it has brick-vaulted walls as its main architectural feature. Persian rugs, herbs, a variety of different teas and the always present khakishir, a popular detoxing seed-based drink, are only some of the highlights of Shiraz bazaar.

READ MORE: If you are going to Iran and need tips on what to wear in the Islamic Republic, check out my post on Iran dress code.

Yazd Grand Bazaar

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Colourful ceramics at Yazd bazaar
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Termeh, the beautiful fabric Yazd is renowned for

A lot of blue, termeh, the wonderful silk and wool handwoven fabric traditional from Yazd, goldsmiths, and tiles are everywhere in this city’s bazaar. Located between Khan mosque and Khan school, the market is one of the oldest and most interesting sites in Yazd city centre. From handmade jewellery to exquisitely painted tiles to precious fabrics, in Yazd, too, you are bound to fork out good cash.

READ MORE: Do you like bazaars, too? Read all about my favorite local markets around the world.


iran bazaars
about me: Angela Corrias
About the author

I'm Angela Corrias, an Italian journalist, photographer, and travel writer located in the heart of Italy's capital. Welcome to my website, your comprehensive source for your travels and expert guidance for crafting your dream travel experience.

11 thoughts on “Iran bazaars: where are the best ones and why visit them”

  1. Great article!
    It reminded us of our trip from north to south Iran and back, we had a very similar experience.
    During our trip Bazaars in Iran made a deep impression on us
    They are truly beautiful and those in smaller cities even more interesting,
    You have feeling that time just stopped there.


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