Photo Essay – The People of Iran

Different styles, different professions, different leisure activities. Here is an overview of the people I ran across in the two weeks of my trip to Iran.

Girls chatting at Firouz cafe in Armenian district Jolfa in Isfahan.
Girls chatting at Firouz cafe in the Armenian district of Jolfa in Isfahan.
My friend Madi pretending she's not seeing me while she knows I'm practicing some technique with my new camera.
My friend Madi pretending she’s not seeing me while she perfectly knew I was practicing some technique with my new camera.
Students analyzing the decoration of Nasir Ul Molk mosque, also known as Pink Mosque in Shiraz.
Students analyzing the decorations of Nasir Ul Molk mosque, also known as Pink Mosque, in Shiraz.
Girls posing in front of Saadi's mausoleum in Shiraz
Girls posing in front of Saadi’s mausoleum in Shiraz
Woman going past Azadi Tower in Tehran
Woman going past Azadi Tower in Tehran
Woman praying in the Pink Mosque in Shiraz
Woman praying in the Pink Mosque in Shiraz
Women in chador chatting in the park
Women in chador chatting in the park
Girls in the park doing what 15-year-old do best, laughing at the boys.
Girls in the park doing what 15-year-old do best, laughing at the boys.
Student doing his homework in the park
Student doing his homework in the park
Young mom looking after her kid, and maybe doing some meditation too...
Young mom looking after her kid, and maybe doing some meditation too…
Little girl playing in the park in Shiraz
Little girl playing in the park in Shiraz
Artisan working on his shop/lab in Yazd
Artisan working on his shop/lab in Yazd
Shopping at Shiraz bazaar
Shopping at Shiraz bazaar
Mother and daughter
Mother and daughter
Chilling out after lunch and tea in the wait for the next tea..
Chilling out after lunch and tea in the wait for the next tea..
about me: Angela Corrias
About the author

I'm Angela Corrias, an Italian journalist, photographer, and travel writer located in the heart of Italy's capital. Welcome to my website, your comprehensive source for your travels and expert guidance for crafting your dream travel experience.

17 thoughts on “Photo Essay – The People of Iran”

  1. awesome Angella I like your photography but I am curious to know where those three girls whom you mentioned ‘friends’ only were sitting

  2. Thank you so much Angela for sharing such
    beautiful photos, they are very informative indeed.
    You have certainly changed my thoughts and feelings
    on Iran and its people.
    God bless you.

  3. Amazing photos! I’m speechless…you made me realize the hidden beauty of my country.
    keep up the good work. Looking forward for your photos and informations.
    thank you so much.


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